​Key features
Allows for less expensive hospitality TV’s to be used with pillow speakers  
Compatible with many Samsung hospitality grade TV’s Supports SSCP TV protocol, with direct wired connection 
Supports analog audio from the TV, either fixed or variable audio outputs
Compatible with all major pillow speakers*
Works with Curbell, Anacom-Medtek, Crest and others
Supports Samsung, legacy Zenith, and Pro:Centric** pillow speaker protocols
Supports healthcare system integrator’s pillow speakers**

LG STB-5500 and Catapult set top boxes can also be controlled by pillow speakers
Does not require troublesome IR Blasters for TV or Set Top Box • No external power supply necessary, powered from the TV***
Only 2.2” x 2.2” x 0.7” in size, easily mounts to the back of the TV
Very low-cost solution
* Pillow speakers must be able to support digital signals, and have a minimum # of buttons to be useful
** Some keys may not be supported with standard product, but can be added if necessary.
*** Some TV models might need an external power supply.

Why use a Medical Grade TV when you don't have too? ProTVSolutions new product uses a Hospitality Grade TV combined with our HTV Emulator. This gives you all the same capabilities as a High Priced Medical Grade TV. Saving you $$ per room.

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